Explore our general information on the ZED products (USB cameras, GMSL cameras, etc.) to smoothly begin your journey.
- Where can I find the datasheet of my device?
- Why is there a difference in camera parameters between the ZED SDK API and the ZED Explorer tool?
- What type of GMSL2 cable should I use with my ZED X camera?
- Where can I find a comparison table for the ZED Stereo Cameras?
- Setting up your Stereo Rig with two ZED X One cameras
- What is the version of the OS running on my ZED Box or NVIDIA® Jetson™ embedded PC?
- How can I recover my camera without unplugging it?
- How can I get the serial number of my camera?
- Can I connect the ZED X and ZED X Mini to a USB3 port?
- What is the IP rating of the ZED 2i and ZED X and what does it mean?
- How can I optimize the ZED SDK AI models manually?
- Can I use the ZED Box without an HDMI display?
- Why is the depth map so dark?
- Does the polarizer filter of the ZED2i reduce the incoming light?
- How can I convert 3D world coordinates to 2D image coordinates and viceversa?
- How can I add Wi-Fi to the ZED Box?
- Can I use the ZED camera underwater ?
- What are the advantages of using the Stereolabs ZED stereocameras over other depth cameras (eg. Intel Realsense) available in the market?
- Can the ZED stereocameras detect glass doors or glass walls?
- What is the FOV for the ZED 2 camera?
- What kind of the shutter mode do the ZED cameras use? Is it a rolling shutter or a global shutter?
- Does the ZED 2 camera have noticeable trouble identifying human motion and depth imaging during rain, snow, or other particulates passing through its field of view?
- What are the GPU requirements for running modules like Object detection, spatial tracking , depth estimation etc using the ZED SDK?
- Can the ZED2 connect directly to a smartphone? Can I develop an android application to use with it?
- Can the ZED cameras be used with standalone VR headsets like Pico G2 or Oculus Quest ?
- What is the baseline for the ZED2 camera? Is it better to use the factory given calibration settings or calibrate the sensor manually?
- Is it possible to use the ZED cameras with tablets like the Surface Pro, iPad and mobile devices, to get 3D mapping?
- Does the ZED2 have an integrated IMU sensor?
- Can the ZED 2 be applied like the ZED mini to VR/AR applications?
- For the depth sensing, what is the range for the ZED cameras in terms of measuring distances and the accuracy of the detection?