Orders and Shipping Information
- How to receive a quote for our products?
- What comes in the box with the ZED?
- How much do the ZED and ZED Mini cameras cost?
- Do you offer educational sponsorships or discounts?
- What taxes and duties will apply to my order?
- Do you have a phone number I can call?
Warranty & Certification
Installation and Getting Started
Getting Started
- Why doesn't the ZED SDK detect my ZED X One?
- Get started with Jetson Orin Nano (NX) devkit and ZED X
- Get started with Jetson Xavier NX devkit and ZED X
- How can I install the ZED X on NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX, Orin NX and Orin Nano devkit?
- What Nvidia JetPack can I install on the ZED Box?
- What are the default credentials to login into the ZED Box?
General Information
- Where can I find the datasheet of my device?
- Why is there a difference in camera parameters between the ZED SDK API and the ZED Explorer tool?
- What type of GMSL2 cable should I use with my ZED X camera?
- Where can I find a comparison table for the ZED Stereo Cameras?
- Setting up your Stereo Rig with two ZED X One cameras
- What is the version of the OS running on my ZED Box or NVIDIA® Jetson™ embedded PC?
ZED Compatibility
- Are the ZED cameras compatible with Ubuntu 20.04? Can the device's SDK packages work with Ubuntu 20.04?
- Is there any installation guide for integrating the ZED sensors with the NVIDIA Jetson boards( TX2, Nano, Xavier NX)?
- Is it possible for the ZED cameras to integrate with a WMR headset? Are there unity plug-ins available for developing a VR/AR applications?
- Do the ZED cameras support Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX? How do you get started with using the ZED cameras with the Jetson boards?
- Is waterproofing necessary for ZED2 and ZED mini for outdoor use? Would I need to have a housing case for the products?
- Using multiple ZED cameras on NVIDIA Jetson Xavier AGX devkit
Agents Only
- How to fix WiFi issues on ZED Box Orin NX after updates?
- Why can't I use the ZED X camera with "ssh -X" in headless mode?
- Why isn't my ZED X working on ZED Box when I create a new user?
- How can I enable the CAN BUS on my NVIDIA Jetson devkit while using ZED X or ZED X One GMSL2 cameras?
- Why are the lenses of my new ZED Mini different?
- How can I solve OpenGL issues under Ubuntu?
- Why frames from different ZED X GMSL2 cameras connected to the same capture card have different timestamps?
- How can I use the ZED with Docker on a robot with no internet connection?
- Why is my application frozen when using the NEURAL depth mode?
- How do I recalibrate my ZED stereo camera?
- How do I convert SVO files to AVI, or image/depth sequences?
- How do I fix virtual objects constantly shaking in passthrough AR?
- Are there any video/image samples from the ZED products that I can see and test before the purchase?
- Is it possible to genlock the ZED cameras to a cinema camera so that a 100% synchronized depth image is captured for each image capture by the main camera?
- Do the ZED cameras support capturing and saving raw data of RGB sensor ? (e.g. bayer pattern dataset without nonlinear processing)?
- Is it possible to program a time-lapse feature in the ZED camera using the ZED SDK?
- Does purchasing the Zed come with a license to the cloud tools? What’s possible inside the interface in terms of raw data or image/video capture?
- Are there any benchmarks on the speed (in FPS or ms/pose) with regards to your pose estimation module for the ZED cameras?
API Reference
- For the ZED cameras, is it possible to retrieve a pair of images at different resolutions? For example, getting a HD1080 image from one sensor of the camera and VGA from the other?
- What is the file size for videos recorded by the ZED cameras?
- Can very small objects be detected by the ZED Cameras?
- Is there any compatibility with TensorFlow v2 object detection models?
- How to connect an external GPS to the ZED cameras for providing the video with GPS tags?
- How to add GPS timestamp in the spatial mapping and tracking using the ZED cameras and the SDK?